Local delegates attend 2024 Maine Republican Convention

Mon, 05/06/2024 - 10:30am

Maine Republicans held their two-day State Convention at the Augusta Civic Center on April 26 and 27. The theme of the convention was “Restoring Freedom.” About 1,400 delegates attended. Fifty-five of those delegates represented the towns of Lincoln County. Candidates, members of Maine’s House and Senate, and dignitaries spoke throughout the event. Common themes were the current issues (and solutions) that are burdening our country and our people; inflation, crime, drugs, uncontrolled immigration, looming wars, the polarizing and harsh tone of politics in Augusta and Washington, the disappearing “American Dream” and, in general, politicians moving both Maine and the country in the wrong direction. 

The new 2024 Maine Republican Platform was approved which addresses many of those concerns. Examples of changes that have been made to the platform are; to promote parental rights and to protect children in K-12, to eliminate the 100 megawatt limit on hydro power to allow the use of clean Canadian hydro to reduce electrical rates, to protect Maine girls in sports by ensuring that only biological females compete on female teams, to encourage sound fiscal management to reduce the Maine tax burden, to secure Maine’s border and require immigration laws be enforced, and to require that the U.S. Congress declare war before our Maine’s National Guard is sent abroad to fight in another undeclared war. During the discussion of sound fiscal management, a speaker noted that state spending has increased well over 20% since Governor LePage left office. The 2024 platform is available on the Maine GOP website. 

Robert Charles, a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR) delivered a  keynote address. The subject was a discussion on the importance of respectful, fair, open, and truthful discussions to chart a nation’s course in a way that creates unity rather than dissension. These tributes have been lacking in both our state and federal capitals over the last few years as many are feeling ignored and left out of the process. 

Lincoln County then met and caucused. A new State Committee Woman, Becky Stevens, and a new State Committee Man, Bill Morrison, were elected to join County Chair, Patty Minerich in representing the county at the Maine GOP. Candidates Dale Harmon SD-13, Abden Simmons of HD-45, Mary Lou Daxland of HD-46, Ed Polewarczyk of HD-47 and James William Hunt of HD-48 spoke to county members. The candidates believe that Maine can get back on the right track with changes in the House and Senate in Augusta. This would be for the betterment of all, an opinion enthusiastically shared by the audience. 

And lastly a quote from Robert Charles. “It means there remains enormous hope – if we can just keep allowing differences in outlook, differing perspectives on life, to surface, even inviting them forward, honoring the idea of free speech, knowing that the present discomfort makes us all stronger, and sometimes wiser.”   

God bless America.