letter to the editor

Concernced about no parking on main street

Tue, 04/10/2018 - 2:30pm

    Dear Editor:

    The elimination of Main Street, Route 1 parking in Wiscasset will severely impact downtown business. MDOT analyzed in their report that without parking, traffic will flow 14 seconds faster. MDOT is planning 30 feet of sidewalk on each side to be used for two months of summer and what happens all winter? We need to improve the flow of traffic. Two lights synchronized and chains to eliminate uncontrolled cross-walking may help according to MDOT. They had planned to do a test of no parking and lights during prime season and have failed to do so.

    Thomaston worked with MDOT and they retained slanted parking on one side of street and on the other side parallel parking and loading zones.

    Patricia Stauble
