Letter to the Editor

Seeking public input to facilitate change

Sat, 05/21/2016 - 8:00am

    Dear Editor:

    As a clinician at Maine Behavioral Healthcare (MBH), I am part of a mental health collaborative working with Healthy Lincoln County to conduct a community health needs assessment. It is clear to the helping community in Lincoln County and more broadly, in Maine and nationally, that substance use and mental health needs are not being adequately addressed. Conducting a community health needs assessment provides an opportunity for stakeholders and providers to examine their focus and align with the needs of our population. We are asking for your help in this process.

    It is our duty as providers to work together to provide the most seamless, straightforward path to services. This means working together as organizations and communities to reduce systemic barriers that create stress and confusion to our clients. It means admitting where there are gaps and correcting our approach. It means listening to frustrated clients who have had negative experiences.

    As providers we hope to connect to these individuals, to learn from them, to develop a trusting relationship with them. Unfortunately, with the rise of substance use and suicide, we are missing something, and someone. We are not reaching these individuals and that is where we need help. Community members, friends and loved ones of these individuals, please share your story to break the stigma and normalize these illnesses. We owe it to those who are not heard to give them a voice in hopes of making change.

    As a licensed social worker, I am fortunate to see the success and growth of individuals who are brave enough to ask for help and persevere through their personal challenge. I am hopeful others will have faith in their community and share their story.

    At this time, there is an opportunity for individuals to get involved in the change process and make an impact on your community. Please share your story and help us create a system where no one gets lost and all voices are heard. To share your confidential perspective regarding mental health and substance use services in Lincoln County, call Tom Mahoney at Healthy Lincoln County, 563-1330, or email him at tmahoney@mcdph.org to schedule an interview. It takes about 30 minutes.

    Heather Norris, LMSW-CC

    Clinician, Maine Behavioral Healthcare
