letter to the editor

Senator Dow, do your job!

Tue, 03/21/2017 - 8:15am

    Dear Editor:

    Recently I took a look back at the 2016 election results for Lincoln County and noticed an odd pattern.

    Lincoln County voted "yes" on all the referendums except background checks on guns. Lincoln County also elected Dana Dow to represent us in the Maine Senate. Yet in his column last week, Senator Dow outlined, with apparent pride, how he is working to undo at least two of those referendums: Question 2 (Education Funding), an Question 4 (raising the minimum wage). Maine voters made their will known, and now legislators in Augusta, including Senator Dow, are telling us we didn't know what we were voting for. What kind of arrogance is this? It is not the job of representatives to second-guess the will of voters, it is to implement it with the utmost respect.

    Senator Dow, do your job!

    April Thibodeau

    Westport Island