Skidompha genealogy talk

Travel back to our ancestors’ Irish and Scottish neighborhoods

Sun, 09/16/2018 - 8:15am

The Skidompha Library Genealogy department will offer a free presentation, “Traveling Back to our Ancestors’ Neighborhoods” given by staff genealogist Kathleen Maclachlan, on Wednesday, Sept. 26, 12:30-2 p.m. The talk will be held in Skidompha Library’s Porter Meeting Hall and includes time for questions and discussion. Please allow adequate time for parking.

This past May, genealogist Kathleen Maclachlan and her husband, Steve, spent three weeks in Ireland and Scotland, specifically in County Wicklow, Republic of Ireland and County Down, Northern Ireland, and the counties of Argyll, Sutherland, and Renfrew, Scotland. Maclachlan’s talk will recount the details of researching and that led to visiting these five ancestral areas, the trip and travel planning including deciding what to pack, how to navigate the countryside, and where to find lodging.

The presentation will include photos, of course, and will outline the challenges faced, plus the delightful surprises which the trip held. Maclachlan hopes that others will be encouraged by the presentation, and glean some helpful hints for their own adventures while enjoying this adventure vicariously.