Garden Club of Wiscasset

Mon, 01/28/2019 - 7:45am

    The Garden Club of Wiscasset will have its monthly meeting on Thursday, Feb. 7 beginning at 11 a.m. at the First Congregational Church of Wiscasset, 28 High St. Anyone interested in gardening, flower arrangements and wonderful speakers is welcome.

    The Hospitality Committee serves coffee, tea, and delicious appetizers/desserts after the guest speaker. The event is free of charge.

    The program features Hildy Ellis of Knox-Lincoln Soil and Water Conservation District who will talk on “Native Ground Covers.” Join us and learn about which plants can serve as lawn alternatives, low growing buffers, plants for bees and wildlife, or just beautiful additions to your garden. Refreshments follow and the public is invited free of charge.

    There is flower design practice at 11 a.m. and our business meeting is at 12: 30 p.m 

    For more information, call President Janice O’Connell at 882-7137.