
School committee seeks community input for selecting new AOS superintendent

Wed, 01/10/2018 - 10:30am

    The search is on for a new Alternative Organizational Structure 98 superintendent and Edgecomb school officials want community input in the process. The Edgecomb School Committee discussed how other AOS 98 members were proceeding in the search for a permanent successor to Eileen King.

    The search also includes seeking school staff opinions through surveys on what qualities a suitable candidate would possess. During the Jan. 8 school committee meeting, Committee Chairman Tom Abello reported how the AOS 98 board wanted each local school committee to host a community forum seeking public feedback about qualities they want in the new superintendent.

    The AOS board meets on Jan. 11 and more details about community forums will follow.  “We will know about the forums after our meeting Thursday, but I think they will take place probably sometime at the end of the month,” Abello said.

    The AOS board meeting will also include a discussion about using Maine School Management Association as a consultant in the search, according to Abello.

    As for the interim superintendent, Bob Webster reported he has been busy introducing himself to various school officials since his Jan. 2 start. Webster reported he’s met with impressive people and believes his temporary tenure will be a rewarding experience. “I’ve met with lots and lots of people,” he said. “I’ve met with people all around the district outside of the normal board meeting format and I’m convinced this is going to be a great six months.”

    In other action, Principal Ira Michaud reported grades three through six students will be taking eMpowerME, a state assessment test for literacy and math, between March 19 and April 13.

    The Maine Education Assessment science tests for grade five will take place between April 23 and May 4. Michaud will notify teachers about using the Department of Education website to sample items from past tests in preparing students for the assessments.

    The school committee will meet next at 5:30 p.m. Feb. 5 at Edgecomb Eddy School.