Announcing the Gingerbread Spectacular judges

Wed, 12/02/2015 - 11:15am

    The bribes will soon begin, as bakers and designers do whatever it takes to walk away with the coveted Most Spectacular award of the 2015 Gingerbread Spectacular.

    While all the judges - Sarah Foulger, Trish Harrison, Laura Honey, Kelly Robbins and an “unnamed mystery judge” - bring a love of sweets to the table, individually they bring an understanding of divine intervention, child-like inspiration, legendary hospitality, and a competitive spirit to the judging process.

    Each judge has sworn to uphold the duties of the judging office, but are open to “receiving cash bribes from bakers and their families." All bribes will be contributed to the Opera House to help with the ongoing maintenance of the building.

    Judging will be behind locked doors on Friday, Dec. 11, in advance of the evening's Dough Ball Preview Party & Awards Ceremony, which begins at 5:30 p.m. The Friends of the Opera House are generously providing hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar will be available.

    The Gingerbread Spectacular is a free event (donations, as ever, are welcomed) that will continue Saturday, Dec. 12 and Sunday, Dec. 13.  The Opera House will be open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day.  Entertainment is scheduled throughout the weekend, including the Boothbay Community Band’s holiday concert at 4 p.m. Dec. 12.

    Tickets for the Dough Ball and Awards Ceremony are $10 and available through the Opera House box office at 86 Townsend Avenue or by calling 207-633-5159. All proceeds support the Opera House.

    The Gingerbread Spectacular is a free event, donations welcome. For additional information please contact the box office.