‘A Covenant of Love’: Spiritually guided from above

Wed, 02/21/2024 - 10:00am

George Harrison’s “My Sweet Lord” is a song about having a direct relationship with God, specifically, at the time, the Hindu God Krishna, later in his life returning to Christianity and Jesus Christ. Harrison’s song was one anyone could relate to because most people do seek to know a higher power. They do so through meditation – and journaling – by attending a church of any denomination, reading spiritual books, including the Bible, and by demonstrating kindness, love, and respect towards others.

Having a direct relationship with God is a relationship Boothbay Harbor resident Larry Reynolds began seeking in his teens, and found in adulthood. He has long been known as a healer, from Maine to New York state and beyond. Over the course of seven consecutive days in 1999, Reynolds wrote, or, to put it more aptly, channeled, what is now a book entitled “A Covenant of Love,” being published later this month. The book was written in 1999 after he had returned from a healing conference he’d been asked to lead in upstate New York.

“After I put my kids to bed, I felt this ‘knowing’ inside me and heard: ‘Now you will begin.’ The words came forth through meditation and prayer over the course of seven days; 200 pages flowed as a stream of consciousness work and brought forth words that will help people know why they have walked on the periphery of the Divine power for so many generations,” said Reynolds.

“Knowing” within a religious (or spiritual) context presumes something beyond the physical world exists. For people who have had Near Death Experiences (NDE), they do not presume that something exists; they know it does. Reynolds has had two NDEs. The first and most profound happened on his 11th birthday. From that experience he emerged with the gift of healing.

“In my youth people would be healed if I touched or spoke to them,” said Reynolds. “If they had a headache or something and I touched their forehead, I would see something of a spiritual nature leave them. It wasn’t me saying I can do this, it was me asking what is this? By my teens I noticed this ability to heal freaked people out ... and I had to dial it back.”

Reynolds had been raised in the Catholic church, but left it as a teenager. “I had to let go of the instructions of men. I didn’t agree with what the priest or other clergy were saying ... but, when I was younger I thought I had to.”

As a youth in church, when the Lord’s Prayer was being recited, Reynolds would hear Gnostic scripture in the Coptic language. For him, the Lord’s Prayer began, “Oh breathing life your name and presence is here, make room that your presence is known within me;” rather than “Our father who art in heaven...”

Reynolds has included a glossary of the words, the language, in this book. For example, “Yah” is the supreme, absolute only One, the Eternal Being. “This describes a Creator as complete and without separation of gender,” wrote Reynolds. “Yah is the perfect expression of all that is blessed. People attached masculine or feminine attributes to that which contains all attributes of blessing.”

Jesus’ name is Yah Shua; “Yah” = the eternal being, and “Shua” = saves: The eternal being saves.

For Reynolds, this book, channeled through him, answered every question he’d ever had. And, he noted, much of the knowledge within the book has been confirmed by Seminarians, theologians and scholars.

“Many miracles were happening through the late ’90s, and in 2001, I was taken in the flow of the book. Then in 2003 it took from stream of consciousness to a rough book form manuscript. It answered the many questions I was encountering as miracles were happening through me.

After rounds of editing over the years, this work was finally copyrighted in 2005. Up to this point, Reynolds had kept himself out of the message preferring to present it as it came through. That is until a publisher approached him about the book and told him he needed to put himself in it. He recalled, “She asked, ‘Who are you? What happened to you in your life? You need to put something of yourself in it.’ She said people would never find their way to the message if they didn’t have a human to connect with. I told her why I didn’t include myself, but in the end, I did add a little of my background – and I sent the book back out to people for review again.”

Reynolds continued bringing copies of the book to every healing/prayer event he attended. But it never really went anywhere until a friend, Sen. Martha McSally, introduced him to publisher Susan Gilbert in 2023 for “A Covenant of Love” to take a final form.

Originally 237 pages in a stream of consciousness, it is now 494 pages after proper book designing and with the journal experiences Reynolds added in.

Reynolds has included a QR code glossary in “A Covenant of Love” for the original prayers and meditations, the Grace Healing website, the Root (aka Cosmos) meditation, the 10 Great Words video, and a Temple of Light meditation.

“A Covenant of Love” will be available for purchase on Amazon.

“Having traversed many of life’s challenges and dead ends firsthand, he (Larry) has been on the direct and chosen walk with God more closely and longer than most I have known. He sees from the highest perspective with clarity and confidence revealing an attainable, actionable plan that has aided me and my family immeasurably. Larry has the Divine tools to get you where you’d prefer to be with bolstered confidence in your own inherent wellness, trusting deeply in the goodness of God’s grace and plan, with a restored faith …that healers like Larry actually do exist.” – Julie Bowes

Larry Reynolds founded Grace Healing Ministries, 501c3 Non-Profit Charitable Organization, 30 years ago. For the past 20 years, Ina Marie Murdock of Tucson, Arizona has been part of the ministry with Reynolds. https://gracehealing.org