Lifeguard course at Community Center

Tue, 05/19/2015 - 1:45pm

The Wiscasset Community Center (242 Gardiner Road) and the American Red Cross are conducting a certified lifeguard course beginning May 31. Upon completion of the course, participants receive certification from the American Red Cross in Lifeguarding, First Aid, CPR/AED for the professional rescuer and health care providers.

The course schedule is Sundays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with the course completing Sunday, June 14. Please contact the W.C.C. for a complete course schedule and syllabus: 207-882-8230

Prescreening test: May 26 5-6 p.m. (or by appointment): Participants must meet the following requirements: pass a 400-yard swim test; swim 20 yards, retrieve a 10-pound diving brick from eight feet of water and swim 20 yards with the brick; tread water for two minutes using only legs; and be at least 15 years of age by June 14, 2015.

Costs of course (Fee includes all classroom instruction, pool time, Rental or textbooks and equipment): $125 for W.C.C. members and $150 for non-members

Go to the center's website to register: