Navigating Midcoast Maine Boating Course

Wed, 04/26/2017 - 10:00am

Navigating Mid-Coast Maineis a four-session boating course taught by U.S.Coast Guard Auxilary instructors on May 9, 11, 16 and 18 at Boothbay Region Adult Ed.

This course is an introduction to navigation using a chart of the Boothbay area. Make boating more enjoyable: 1) learn the basics about information found on nautical charts; 2) have your charts out where you can use them; and 3) learn about navigation aids (on charts and on the water) to cruise safely.

How to read a chart and become famliar with the coastal waters between Small Point and Pemaquid. Problem sets help you plan cruises and understand the information found on charts (buoys, lights, water depth) to use them when cruising the area. True and magnetic headings, variation, lines of position, chart symbols, piloting, latitude and longitude, and dead reckoning are explained. Three Rivers chart (#13293) and a copy of a chapter on navigation principles are included.

A parallel ruler and dividers are needed for the course or can be purchased separately at class.

The time is 6-8 p.m. at Boothbay Region High School and the fee is $80. Please register by Friday, May 5.

To register, complete the form in the spring brochure, or print one from our website: Include payment and mail to the address on the form. Or drop off your registration and payment in the high school office weekdays. If you have questions, call 633-3224 or email: