Letter to the Editor

Please vote to fund Wiscasset Public Library

Thu, 05/28/2015 - 9:15am

Dear Editor:

I am a newcomer to the area, having moved to Wiscasset in August of last year. I was so pleased that the library was practically just across the street, as it is has been and will continue to be my major source for books — both those borrowed for reading, and those purchased from the used book room.

And the Wiscasset Public Library has exceeded my expectations. It has a good selection of current books along with many excellent magazines and comfortable places to read them. The staff is friendly and helpful. On the afternoon of the morning we closed on our house, my husband and I immediately went to the library and got our library cards; we have become regular users.

If the library doesn't have a book we'd like to borrow, the staff is happy to request it from another library near by or out of state. It may take a few days, but we then have the book we want.

However, the true value of any library is in interacting with children to instill a love of reading and learning. Children love story time as tots, and love checking out books to take home. Studies show a direct correlation between vocabulary and success in school and life, and exposure to books is a primary way of building a strong vocabulary in our children.

During the summer, the library is the hub of children's activity with a strong children's program. What a benefit for our families with children. Strong public schools and libraries help attract new residents to our town!

Therefore, it is appalling to me that the town budget committee recommended not to support the library next year. It is essential that we vote “Yes” at the town meeting on June 9 to fund the library at its requested $68,900, as the selectman have voted 3 to 1 to do. 

Sally Gemmill

Member of the Board of Trustees

Wiscasset Public Library