letter to the editor

Questions senator’s support

Tue, 10/10/2017 - 8:00am

Dear Editor:

Senator Dow recently spoke at the Maine Dept. of Transportation Public Meeting on the Wiscasset downtown and the Route 1 corridor improvement project.  The senator expressed his support for the anti (do nothing) minority group who oppose this project. His support for a downtown landlord and his tenants is troubling. These anti folks do not support fixing the existing dangerous safety issues, helping to alleviate traffic delays, the ADA Compliance issues with sidewalks and crosswalks, fire and emergency vehicle access to other area towns surrounding Wiscasset.

I am wondering what the rest of Lincoln County residents and business owners, who rely on for their livelihoods and need safe and efficient Route 1 passage to their area of Lincoln County, think of the senator's support for a few downtown “do nothing” supporters. To hold the rest of Lincoln County and beyond hostage because of their anti do nothing campaign is a disservice to the rest of the thousands of people who rely on this corridor for their living and livelihoods.

Just a thought.

Ken Kennedy-Patterson
