Wiscasset selectmen

Wiscasset plans town vote on plow truck buy

Wed, 11/26/2014 - 11:00am

Plans call for a $148,500, 2014 plow truck to replace Wiscasset’s 18-year-old one that a falling tree limb destroyed. Under the funding breakdown that selectmen passed 4-0 on Nov. 25, the town can get the truck and a $6,750 blade for it without raising new tax money.

Board members planned to share those plans with the budget committee, which would make its own recommendation to voters, Selectmen’s Chairman Pam Dunning said. A special town meeting could be held later in December, officials said.

After hearing from Public Works Director Doug Fowler and Tax Collector and Treasurer Shari Fredette, selectmen favored buying a 2014 Freightliner truck with $22,350 in insurance money from the 1996 truck that was totaled last month; about $34,700 left over following the the municipal building’s roof work and the purchase of a truck for cemetery work; about $16,760 in savings Fowler came up with in his budget; and $81,129 from the town’s fund balance, which stands at about $850,000, pre-audit, Fredette said.

Fowler had proposed re-using a blade from the totaled truck and asking for a new blade in the next year or two. “It’s a question of do we want to bite the bullet now or pay for it later,” he told the board.

Dunning said she saw no point in using the 18-year-old blade and then buying a new one when prices could be higher. “Nothing goes down,” she said. The board’s vote included the $6,750 for the new blade.

Dunning, Vice Chairman Ben Rines Jr. and board members Tim Merry and Jeff Slack all supported the plan. Selectman Bill Barnes was not at the Nov. 25 meeting.

Fowler had also offered the board the alternative to get a 2015 International truck with all the attachments, for $148,125. He preferred the Freightliner, which is higher in horsepower and torque, he said in response to board members’ questions.

The driver of the 1996 truck was not hurt when the tree limb fell on the truck’s cab during an early November storm.