Wiscasset select board chooses officers

Fri, 06/15/2018 - 8:45am

    Wiscasset selectmen on June 14 picked Judy Colby as chair again, and Ben Rines Jr. as vice chair.

    Kim Andersson was the only addition to the board, taking the seat of departing board member Jeff Slack. Member Katharine Martin-Savage was not at Thursday’s meeting, held two days after the election.

    Town Clerk Linda Perry swore in Andersson, Colby and Rines. Andersson’s daughter Linnea held the Bible for Andersson to swear on, as the new member’s husband Mikael and son David looked on.

    Moments later, Rines nominated Colby to serve as chair. Bob Blagden nominated Andersson. Colby won, 3-1, with Blagden voting for his nominee. Colby nominated Rines for vice chair. He was voted in, 4-0.

    The board discussed possibly walking with the school committee in the July 4 parade, and started discussing the school budget. Then Town Manager Marian Anderson reminded the board the only things on the agenda were the selection of the chair and vice chair and the swearing-in. Members agreed to discuss the issues when they could be placed on the agenda.