Curbside Catalog Quick Links

Tue, 07/07/2020 - 3:04pm

There are several major bummers about closing the library building to the public because of the pandemic.  Top of the list for us staff is not working in the bustling and dynamic company of our patrons.  We’re hearing that top of the list for patrons is the inability to browse the collection.  We feel you. Browsing in a library is where the magic happens, the heart of intellectual serendipity and discovery.

There’s nothing more exciting (in our humble opinion) then walking into a library looking for one thing, and discovering another. So, in an attempt to simulate browsing, below we’ve curated some digital shelves for you. We know it’s not the same, but hey, nothing is these days…except for the solace and escape provided by a good book.

Follow the links! Each list is sorted newest to oldest.

After you follow the link, look for the “Next” button so you can click through the pages!

“Browse” Fiction

“Browse” Mysteries

“Browse” Biographies

“Browse” Cookbooks (yumyum)

“Browse” The Nonfiction Stacks:

100s (Philosophy & psychology)

200s (Religion & Spirituality)

300s (Social Sciences)

400s (Language)

500s (Science: Math, Earth Sciences, Biology, etc.)

600s (Applied Science:  Health, Gardening, Cooking, DIY, etc.)

700 (Arts & Recreation)

800s (Literature: Essays, Writing etc.)

900s (History & Geography)

Check out some A/V materials:

