Garden Club of Wiscasset meets March 5

Wed, 02/26/2020 - 7:30am

The next meeting of the Garden Club of Wiscasset is Thursday, March 5 at First Congregational Church in Fellowship Hall, 28 High St., Wiscasset. If Wiscasset schools are closed for snow, our meeting is canceled and scheduled for the following Thursday when feasible.

Flower Design practice is at 11:30 a.m. The theme for March is “A Parallel Design.” Business meeting is at 12:30 p.m. followed by our monthly program at 1.

Jennifer Lund, state apiarist, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, will present a program on “Maine’s Native Bees.” Some of the questions Lund will answer are: What type of bees are found in Maine and which are declining? How can we protect our bees and encourage them in our landscape? Lund will help us understand basic bee biology and behavior. Lund earned her master’s degree in entomology from the University of Maine, and has over 20 years of field experience.

Refreshments follow the program which is free and open to the public.