letter to the editor

Sigh of relief

Mon, 01/25/2021 - 3:00pm

Dear Editor:

We are shaken. The storming of the capital was a terrifying end to four very difficult years. Who is not physically and psychologically exhausted? Please don’t say, ‘Oh, it wasn’t that serious.’ Don’t minimize what we saw with our own eyes; a violent attempt to suspend the constitution as we know it. There is profound indignation that the peaceful transfer of power was nearly subverted. While the inauguration did go forward, it was under unprecedented lockdown conditions in a city occupied by 25,000 National Guard troops; all on alert out of a legitimate fear of our own citizenry! Shame!

Even so, across our weary country there has been a great and tearful sigh of relief. Jan. 20 was a sweet day! Thank you Amanda Gorman for your youthful presence and poem of promise. You provided a balm that so many of us needed, and that sadly has been missing for far too long.

George Mason
