Letter to the Editor

Michaud vs. LePage

Thu, 07/31/2014 - 4:00pm

Dear Editor:

The Michaud campaign for governor got some good news last week in the form of millions to be spent on their candidate’s behalf in the Maine television market.

This does pose a bit of a quandary for the campaign: Should they spend it highlighting Michaud’s long political career or should they continue to attack Gov. Paul LePage.

Representative Michaud’s career is filled with very few high points, quite a few low points and a whole lot of obscurity. Attempting to spin his time in office as having been good for Maine will be difficult if not impossible. He did not get one bill passed in his 12 years in Congress, and not one bill to a vote in the Senate. Roll Call Magazine named him to the "Obscure Caucus."

So the predictable and expected course the campaign will take will be to continue to go negative on the governor. But the insults and accusations that have come from the Maine press and the radical left since the day Paul LePage took office have not gained them much ground so far. That’s because the people of Maine understand that the governor’s accomplishments — and there are many including the largest tax cut to working Mainers in our history and stopping the automatic gas tax increase — are good for the state.

Right now we are seeing our bond approval rating go up while our unemployment number is going down. These are the kinds of things that grow a stronger economy — not expanding welfare by ignoring the people that really need help or creating a safe haven for illegal immigrants as a Gov. Michaud would do.

Still, be ready for the onslaught of negativity. What do you think — will they bring up the labor mural again?

Stuart Smith