Alna Column: Changes at HVNC

Thu, 01/29/2015 - 12:00pm

Being out of the town office makes it harder to get news. I apologize to the family of James Hall of West Alna Road. My condolences to Jackie and Abel on James' passing. I feel bad that I missed this, and didn't get to send a card.

Here is my email (; please email me any marriages, births, deaths, school news, anything about awards, things coming up like fundraisers, birthdays and anniversaries, etc. Would be big help if I had information at least a week before the event. Thank you for your help.

New faces at HVNC this year are Jeannette Eaton of Alna, who steps into the role of administrative assistant. She will keep track of all general inquires, manage the membership,and also set up overnight stays at the yurt and huts. The new president is Chuck Dinsmore. He has been on the board for three years. He has been learning the ins and outs of running this very special place. 

One of the original board members, Joe Barth, has decided to step back and let someone with new visions and ideas take his place.

Coming up at HVNC: Paul Johnson from Maine Woods Forever, will host the Thoreau Wabanaki Trail presentation Feb. 6, 4:30 to 6 p.m. More on this next week. Owl Prowl Feb. 2, 6 to 8 p.m.. Lynn Flaccus our own Alna naturalist will be your leader. Full Moon Owl Prowl will help you learn about owls, listen for hoots and learn to imitate their calls.

Feb. 1 at 6 p.m., George Manson, Artist in Residence, will have his rescheduled show at the Barn. You will be walking with Mr. Manson through the trail to the Barn, where his paintings will be showcased. All ages are welcome. It is about a mile hike. Please dress warm in layers, if snow bring snow shoes, also flashlight.

Hope you all survived the blizzard-like storm on Tuesday. I was at Shaw's Monday and saw so many people from Alna stocking up just in case we lose power. Going to be a lot of sandwiches eaten if folks don't have a generator. Have good week, laugh and stay warm.