From the assistant editor

Go for it

Wed, 05/11/2016 - 7:15am

For a town rich in opinions and concerns, Wiscasset is in an interesting boat: The June 14 ballot will have more openings than nominees for selectman and the school and budget committees. So few residents turned in papers, some seats will come down to write-ins.

So now’s the time, for anyone who wants a seat at the table. Instead of just reading about the panels’ decisions, be one of the panelists who set policies; field requests from businesses, principals and parents; consider offers on tax-acquired properties; send budget and ordinance offers on to voters; and handle everything else that comes the panels’ way.

Write-in needs for the budget committee have become common, maybe due to its advisory role or any other factors in its and other panels’ shortfall on candidates. But, to borrow a phrase that seems to be aging out, what of it? If you think you would make a good selectman or other committee member, and you would have time for it, get the word out for people to write you in. The town office can give you details on how voters would need to complete the ballot to make the votes count.

We’ve already heard from one write-in for selectman. His announcement is among this week’s letters to the editor. To him and to those who turned in nomination papers by last week’s deadline, thanks for stepping up. Hopefully the numbers will grow, to cover most or even all the openings, and maybe even make a contest.