letter to the editor

Let’s have a vision

Tue, 03/27/2018 - 11:00am

Dear Editor:

I am a Wiscasset resident. My wife and I, when we had the option, decided to stay in Wiscasset partly because of the people’s overwhelming vote to say yes to the MDOT downtown project. “Finally,” I thought, “this town wants to move forward, to take responsibility for the greater region’s needs, and make a beautiful downtown to attract new visitors, new shops, and new possibilities.” I was thrilled and couldn’t wait for the project to get going.

Instead, my vote didn’t count. Those who opposed the project used fear and mistrust of the MDOT to gain support of the majority of the selectmen, and now are looking to fund a lawsuit. We don’t need this lawsuit to continue. The MDOT and the lawyers of the town came to a settlement to honor the law. The majority selectmen rejected this.

Instead of a divisive lawsuit, we need vision from our leaders. We need leadership that can accept the will of the people (Option 2), recognize the challenges to businesses that this may bring, and help our community to come together and find ways to thrive — because we can. We don’t need to spend money (whatever the source) on a fight that only divides the town and makes the rest of Maine look at us with disdain.

What if the money spent and promised could have been used to find solutions for the parking challenges? We could get creative with $75,000! What if we worked together to make this town the best it could possibly be — not just for us, but for everyone who has to drive through?

I dream of the day when people drive into Wiscasset, no longer angry and tired because of the traffic, brighten their eyes, and turn off Route 1 to park and walk the beautiful sidewalks. I dream of when we could have a thriving downtown because Wiscasset chose the best for the future.

Please, Wiscasset — leaders and residents — let’s have vision, let’s dream beyond our present reality, and let’s move Wiscasset forward. Vote no.

Will Truesdell
