New Hope for Women receives $500 HopeLine Grant

Wed, 12/24/2014 - 2:15pm

New Hope for Women (NHFW) is pleased to be the recipient of a $500 HopeLine Grant from Verizon Wireless. NHFW announced receipt of the grant on Dec. 17.

HopeLine collects no-longer-used wireless phones, batteries and accessories at communications stores nationwide. Phones that can be refurbished are sold, and those that cannot are disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.

Proceeds from the HopeLine program are used to provide wireless phones and cash grants to local shelters and nonprofit organizations that focus on preventing domestic violence, raising awareness, and supporting survivors and their families.

The funds received from the Verizon grant were used to purchase gift cards from local retailers for gasoline, groceries, much-needed winter clothing and other necessities for NHFW’s clientele and their children.

New Hope for Women offers support to people in Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Knox and Waldo counties affected by domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. It also provides important educational resources to assist our communities in creating a safer and healthier future.

Learn more about New Hope for Women at or call 800-522-3304.