Wiscasset’s Jamie Beaton and Toronto’s John Mayberry have sung together much of their lives. “One of these days, we’ll get it right,” Beaton, formerly of Toronto said smiling. He said Wiscasset Schoonerfest was a “perfect opportunity” to team up again. So Friday night near the recreational pier, they were singing folk songs to event-goers.
On the pier, Pan Fried Steel was making music, too. Among the fans in folding chairs was Jessica Bailey. “I love it! They’re a fun group.” Joining Bailey in the early evening sun were family members Erin and Jeff Bailey.
Along the dock below, Schoonerfest organizers, donors, town officials and others attended a reception of refreshments and walks onto and down into the 1939 Wiscasset-built When and If. Another visiting schooner, Tyrone, was returning to the harbor after a charter outing.
“This is a perfect evening. There’s even that breeze,” Christine Hopf-Lovette observed on the dock.
Wiscasset Newspaper asked When and If crew member and last year’s captain, Sean Salzmann, how business has been for it so far this Schoonerfest. Thursday was on the slow side, probably because people didn’t realize the weather was fine for going out on the water; he added, the schooner could have had a sold-out weekend at its summer home port of Salem, Massachusetts, but the crew got such good treatment at last year’s Schoonerfest, he knew they should come back.
They were treated like royalty, Salzmann said smiling. Moments later, he was talking with locals while he held his poodle Leilani in his arms and she licked his face.
Schoonerfest runs through Sunday. Visit wiscassetschoonerfest.com for the schedule of activities.