letter to the editor

President is an American tragedy

Mon, 09/28/2020 - 3:45pm

    Dear Editor:

    I was terrified when I first got my cancer diagnosis. That was over 14 years ago and at this point I am still in remission. But today (Sept. 22) I received news that news that we fear daily. It prompted me to reach out to the Presidential office and submit this short letter.

    I am 74 and more vulnerable than many others to the ravages and potential death from COVID-19. I practice concern for others by wearing a mask and distancing. I am in a constant state of anxiety.
    But, my present concern is that our freshman student granddaughter has just been sent home from college. Why? Thirty --- to date --- students have tested positive for COVID-19. The dorm resident count is over 200, so that positive number will most certainly increase.

    Let me be clear: young people do get sick. They become carriers. She has returned home to her parents and three younger siblings. They are all now at risk.

    Mr. President, you had a chance to do good and to go down in history as a great president. Instead your lack of support for science, for testing, for protective gear for professionals, for the simple act of wearing a mask and supporting the wearing of masks, has pushed our death numbers to over 200,000.

    Now my family is at risk.

    You seek affirmation and homage. Did it never occur to you that by listening to your health professionals, by protecting the health of your people, by enacting policies that protect the environment, by embracing diversity, by creating fair taxation, you might have earned greater respect and support? And today tens of thousands of Americans would still be alive who are now dead, and hundreds of thousands would not be grieving.

    I had hoped you would have done better, but you have failed me, my family, my friends, my country.

    I have nothing more to add. Wiser and more eloquent voices have spoken to you. You are an American tragedy.

    Linda Kristan


    P.S. On Sept. 23 our granddaughter’s test confirmed she was positive. As of this submission the total number of confirmed cases from her dorm alone now stands at 70.