letter to the editor

Stover supports gender equality

Mon, 10/19/2020 - 4:30pm

    Dear Editor:

    What is good for gender equality is good for the economy and society as a whole.

    COVID-19 has affected the work lives of women disproportionately and the economic fallout that has occurred is because of existing gender inequalities. Women are effected in all areas of work including not just the service industry as we have seen a lot locally but also in all blue and white collar work. This downturn for women will have "persistent effect on future earnings prospects. Finding a job can be difficult, and often workers struggle to find positions of comparable pay … losing years of earnings over the remaining course of their careers." (Econofact)

    Women have been profiled on the news as having lost or left their jobs because of the need to care for and teach their children during the pandemic. It is women that assume the extra burden of this unpaid labor. Women have been chastised in the work place for the noise of children in the background and/or the view of babies during work Zoom meetings. One woman was fired and has filed a discrimination suit against her employer after 10 years in an executive position at her company.

    Gender equality matters to families, to society and to the economic health and well being of our state, our nation and the global economy. A Report by McKinsey & Company estimates the job loss for women make up 54% of overall job loss to date and unless action is taken to counter the effects these losses will adversely effect global GDP dramatically. These issues need to be addressed on a state and national level and I believe Holly Stover will do that.

    We have been unable to secure the national ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) and the state ERA failed in the Maine legislature by just a few votes in 2017. Holly Stover supports a state and national ERA and that is only one of the reasons she gets my vote and I hope you will vote for her as well.

    Bonnie Ginger
