letter to the editor

There has to be a better way

Sun, 03/26/2017 - 8:45am

Dear Editor:

As an Edgecomb resident, a small business owner, and a father of two boys that attend Edgecomb Eddy School, I’m greatly concerned. The budget committee seeks a 5 pecent budget cut, 5 percent is approximately $120,000 that will have a devastating impact. It will lead to teacher cuts and classroom consolidation. It means no new educational programs or upgrades. Who suffers in the long run? Our children. Are you OK with this?

Edgecomb Eddy is the heart of our town. If you want to attract young families, you need to have a school that is thriving, not consolidating. Think it’s time we stand up, protect the heart of our town and look for alternative solutions. There has to be a better way!

Michael Gaffney
