Wiscasset Yacht Club elects new officers

Mon, 10/21/2019 - 4:45pm

Wiscasset Yacht Club held its 67th annual meeting on Saturday, Oct. 19. Members gathered for an hour of camaraderie, including a delicious buffet of potluck dishes.

Then the business meeting was called to order by outgoing Commodore Don Davis. First, he thanked his officers and board for their sustaining support during his five-year tenure. He praised their enthusiasm and tireless efforts in promoting the far-reaching club goals. He also cited increased membership, a growing sailing program, safety and seamanship seminars, continuing improvements to the club and docks, and two new social events, Burger Night and Movie Night, as a result of their efforts.

Nomination committee chair Bill Eilers read the slate of officer nominations for 2020. With no further ones from the floor, members unanimously voted to accept the nominated slate: Jack Dexter, commodore; John Bryer, vice commodore; Sonia Dallaire, rear commodore. Also voted in was new treasurer Tom Joyce. Continuing board members are Linda Winterberg, secretary; Kathy Swain, membership; Dave King, docks and floats; Alan Boyes, house and grounds; Tom Stoner, sailing program; John McMullen, safety and seamanship; Bill Eilers, webmaster; and PR/communication, Judy Boyes.

Commodore Jack Dexter's first order of business was to present PC Don Davis with a beautiful, half hull model of his boat Twilight, hand-crafted by PC Roy Jenkins. The meeting concluded with a standing ovation for the outgoing commodore.

For more information, visit wiscassetyc.com