letter to the editor

Spring 2018 is a day above 32°F

Mon, 04/09/2018 - 5:30pm

Dear Editor:

Maine and its New England neighbors are still teetering on the cusp of “is it spring, or not?” Just as the snow has disappeared from our land, the predicted snow storm arrived on April 6.  Possible snow was also predicted for April 10, even though the temps are at 44°F, with night temps below freezing.

Marcus Hutchins’ economic chart (Letters, 3/29) moves up and down for minimum wage GDP per capita, looking like spring that’s not here yet  It was interesting to learn that a $1.60 minimum wage in 1968 could be equivalent to $35 minimum wage in 2018. Clearly workers have not benefited well in the sharing of increased job productivity as they once did.

The good news, however, is a new approach in 2018 where the fast food industry has passed along some of the federal tax cut benefits to their employees. McDonald’s has increased their $700 tuition benefit program to $2,500 per year. Their employee benefit program is expected to help development of employees to aim for higher levels of management and to reduce employee turnover rates. That is the upside of a business curve. 

The down swing hits smaller businesses who did not receive big tax cuts causing their weather predictions to look at lot like unpredictable spring temperatures. When unemployment is as low as 2.1 to Maine’s 2.9, replacement of staff will be even more difficult. Hawaii, at 2.1 faces an inability to expand its economy when there are insufficient numbers of available workers.

A friend says when he saw some turkey vultures it meant spring was really here. Unfortunately the weather does not agree and he is expecting the turkey vultures to recalculate and fly away.

Here’s to a real spring that closes the door of snow and opens the sunny day of May full of color and hints of more to come. Here’s to more workers benefiting from their employers and having a real increase in wages and a chance to enjoy a promotion for their hard efforts and candle-lit dinners with the family.

Remember, spring showers do bring in May flowers that light the smiles on our faces.

Jarryl Larson
