’Round Town


Wed, 01/16/2019 - 10:00am

    We rubbed elbows with Caitlin before she was born. In 1988, we attended a group Lamaze class at Miles hospital. Pregnant moms and nervous dads gathered to learn more about the birthing process. We and Caitlin’s parents, the Cronks, were enrolled. It was a great bunch of folks from all over, Waldoboro to Bath. Many of us kept in touch. We had a wonderful reunion after everyone’s baby arrived. What a scene that was. Ten new babies in the same room comparing notes. They had lots to say!

    When we moved to Southport in 2001, our girls rode the school bus over to the Harbor. As the “new kids in town,” our gals, Megan and Morgan, had to figure out their spot with the Southport crew, which was not always easy. However, Caitlin and Breeze Kidder became good friends, easing the stress that can accompany unfamiliar territory. We, as a family, cherish their kindness and friendship, which has remained to this day. Thank you ladies.

    We have woven in and out of Caitlin’s life over the years. High school drama class with Dominic Garvey and Mary Miller comes to mind. The high school production of “Cats” remains, in my mind, their best show ever! And Caitlin, along with having a substantial part, created amazing sets!

    Now that “our girls” have all grown up, their lives have taken on new shapes. Caitlin (now Shepherd) still seems to manage 18 different projects simultaneously. Marriage, teaching, house building, coaching, choir, and newly commissioned captain of the Southport Volunteer Fire Department. And this may be one of her most effortful accomplishments. Many many hours of strenuous training, classes, travel, tests and onsite experiences were required. I’d like to know more about what vitamins she takes, frankly! And, by the way, Ryan Murphy and Rob Hallinan also successfully completed advanced training.

    We are lucky. Caitlin has worked hard throughout her life and accomplished much. Fortunately, many of her efforts have been shared with her island community. And for one, I will always be grateful for the friendship she has shown our family, especially on the bus.

    Congratulations Caitlin. May the force continue to be with you.