Chloe Maxmin listens
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Dear Editor:
When Chloe Maxmin came to Westport Island recently to speak to local residents about her campaign for state senate she had many good ideas, but what struck me most was that she was actually interested in hearing from us, the citizens. She wanted to know what issues were important to us, what we wanted the legislature to do. It’s refreshing to hear from an elected official who truly believes that her role is to represent the people, someone who doesn’t speak at us but genuinely wants to hear from us.
I certainly liked her ideas about supporting public education, the importance of affordable health insurance, and the need for all of us to have access to broadband internet, and she has pursued those goals as a state representative. Chloe has a lot of other great ideas that will be good for Maine and good for all the residents of Senate District 13, but the number one reason I know she’ll be a great state senator is that she listens to her constituents and truly cares what we say. I encourage everyone to vote for Chloe Maxmin for State Senator on Nov. 3.
Ralph Jacobs
Westport Island
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