letter to the editor

Endorsing Kristan and Culbertson

Tue, 03/16/2021 - 7:30am

Dear Editor:

I heartily endorse Linda Kristan and Charlie Culbertson who are candidates for the 2nd and 3rd Select Board member seats to be voted on at Alna’s town election on Saturday, March 27.

Both Linda and Charlie promise to bring a fresh perspective to the Select Board. Having worked in the field of education has prepared Linda well for such a position. She has learned over the course of her career in special education to practice good listening, planning and decision-making skills.

Likewise, Charlie, a recently retired scientist after many years of service with the U.S. Geological Survey. Charlie will be fair-minded on town issues and act with the best interest of the town at heart.

Please consider voting for Linda and Charlie on March 27. I plan to do so.

In addition, I invite you to join me in voting no to the proposed amendment to the Alna Shoreland Zone Ordinance which will ensure we continue to preserve the natural beauty and ecology of the Sheepscot River as it flows through our town, Alna.

H. Elizabeth Davis
