Garden Club of Wiscasset

Bird numbers focus of Oct. 6 talk

Tue, 09/27/2022 - 8:45am

The Garden Club of Wiscasset will hold its next program at 1 p.m. Oct. 6 in Fellowship Hall of First Congregational Church, 28 High St., Wiscasset. A brief business meeting is held at 12:30 p.m.

Refreshments follow the program which is free and open to the public.

Nick Lund, bird advocate and writer, will give a presentation on “The State of Maine’s Birds.” Bird populations are continually changing. Numbers of American kestrel, tree swallows and evening grosbeak are declining. Yet bald eagles and wild turkeys which were nearly gone in the 1900s have returned. Lund will discuss what has happened in the last few decades to our bird species – which ones are disappearing, which are increasing and what lies in the future.
Lund, a Maine native, is Maine Audubon’s advocacy and outreach manager. He is the author of several books, including the “American Birding Association Field Guide to the Birds of Maine” and “The Ultimate Biography of Earth.”