letter to the editor

Davis for selectboard

Mon, 05/29/2023 - 5:45pm

Dear Editor:

As a Wiscasset resident for 14 years, past member of the Waterfront Committee and  Waterfront Advisory Board Member,  Don Davis is now running for the Wiscasset Select Board.

He  recognizes the value in our waterfront as a revenue source and is on board with sensible waterfront development. Don is in favor of expanding the tax base via planned economic development, stressing the need for the right mix of industry.  Don believes in cost reduction by consolidating and sharing available town resources, thereby stabilizing taxes.

He is in favor of taking a look at contracting some services in order to preserve and maintain our infrastructure. Don recognizes the need for a town planner to aid in getting in line for possible grants to help with long range town projects. His experience as a two term selectman in a previous location would be invaluable as we look to possibly relocate our aging waste water treatment facility.

We need a fiscally responsible Select Board, so please join me in voting for Don Davis on June 13.

Barbara Britton
