letter to the editor

Happy 10th Let’s Go!

Sat, 02/18/2017 - 7:30am

Dear Editor:

I’m both pleased and proud. I just read the 10th anniversary report of the 5-2-1-0 Let’s Go program which models healthy life style choices for kids and the results are amazing! This innovative and effective program promotes the idea of 5 or more fruits and vegetables, 2 or less hours of screen time, 1 hour or more of physical activity and zero sugary drinks per day. Just an idea 10 years ago with primary care practices, the program has grown and achieved important results both statewide and in Lincoln County.

Since its inception, hundreds of schools, day care centers, physician practices, and organizations including the YMCA throughout Maine have adopted the program.  It’s been proven that childhood obesity and chronic diseases such as diabetes are preventable when a child learns healthy habits at a young age.

Thanks to the dedication and hard work of many teachers, physicians, healthcare, and child care workers, the program is changing lives here in Lincoln County. And the idea continues to spread!

We are seeing the emphasis in healthcare shift to prevention not just treatment. As a member of the LincolnHealth Board of Trustees, I’m so proud of the quality of care we can and do provide as a vibrant rural hospital. LincolnHealth is an active participant in this important program. It is so vital to the future of health and wellness in our community.

To learn more about how Let’s Go is making a difference, please see their recent Annual Report at: http://www.letsgo.org/wp-content/uploads/16-LetsGo-1-Annual-Report-2016-FNL.pdf

Marva Nesbit, Trustee

LincolnHealth Board of Trustees