’Round Town

Murray Hill

Wed, 03/22/2017 - 9:00am

Antonisa, the beautiful 124' sloop built at the Murray Hill Hodgdon shop went into the water in 1999, in this very spot. For that event, it was standing room only. On this day of my photograph, as you can see, there was ample space. Fairly typical of how the seasons run around here. Some might say its sort of nice when there is a little less going on.

I recall so much from the construction of Antonisa. A priviledge to photograph her progress encouraged by many uber crafts' people over several years from concept to creation. Even able to make some helicopter assisted images off Sequin Island during sea trials. Quite a thrill.

On launch day, Antonisa was wiggled, slithered and cajoled from the Murray Hill building, often inches at a time. A boat moving crew from Brownell Systems in Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, managed every detail of the move that day. They also were responsible for establishing proper support and movement of the boat while under construction. I will never forget Tom Brownell's secret dishwashing detergent solution for dislodging the boat's huge mass as it was moved for realignment.

Bruce King's yacht design group created the plans for Antonisa and many times I'd bump into Tad Roberts from the King shop as he helped to coordinate complex activities. We also crossed paths at Sheepscot Valley Children's House in Wiscasset where our children went to school. Tad has since moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, where he still works in the boat design business.

Recently, during a fresh air weekend stroll around the Salt Pond loop on Southport, we met Gail Richter, a neighbor. One thing led to another during a conversation about families and up popped the subject of Antonisa. Turns out that Gail's son-in-law in Italy, is a designer for Pasquale Natuzzi, the owner of Antonisa. The smallness of the world re-acknowledged.