From the editor

Be alert, obey rules and observe Memorial Day

Wed, 05/24/2017 - 1:30pm

Bicyclists, joggers, walkers, dog walkers and wheelchair operators are becoming more prevalent along the roadsides now that the weather has turned nice. Motorists should expect the unexpected and provide at least three feet between these people and their cars. Even if you don't come across these people while driving, stay alert and drive the speed limit.

Also, bicyclists, joggers, walkers, dog walkers and wheelchair operators should obey the rules and not travel the wrong way on the roads. Check out the rules on the state website and other websites so that you will stay safe.

As a teen, I learned a hard lesson while riding my bike. I turned a blind corner going too fast and discovered that a car had stopped in the road to make a left hand turn. Rather than running into the back of the car, I put on my front brakes and went tumbling over the handlebars, landing just behind the car. The lesson I learned: Slow down going around corners, blind or otherwise, so as not to end up with some scrapes, bumps and bruises.

Monday is Memorial Day and it's an important day for remembering those who served in wars, especially those who died fighting for our freedom. Even if you can't make one of our local observances, please take a moment to reflect on those who fought for America.