Donald E. Davis runs for Wiscasset selectboard

Wed, 05/17/2023 - 8:15am

    Address: 21 Middle St.

    Occupation: Semi-Retired

    Education: Anna Maria College​​, MBA. Anna Maria College​​  Business Administration. University of Rhode Island​, Business Administration. South Portland High School ​Class of 1969

    Political History (Board, Committees, other): Two Terms Board of Selectmen (6 years) Town of West Boylston, Massachusetts. One Term Water Commissioner (3 years) Town of West Boylston, Massachusetts. Waterfront Committee, Wiscasset. Budget Committee, Wiscasset. Waterfront Working Group, Wiscasset.

    Clubs/Organizations: Sigma Chi Alumnae Association and Building Committee at URI,  Life Loyal Sig. Wiscasset Yacht Club, Past Commodore. St Philip’s Church, Vestry Member, and Finance Committee

    Considering the office you are running for, what do you feel are the three most pressing issues (350 words or less): The primary issue facing long-term residents of Wiscasset is TAXES. Everyone has become accustomed to the services provided by Maine Yankee-long since gone-but in today’s dollars cannot afford them. We have seen an influx of new residents who may not see this in the same manner as we do. Many of us are on fixed incomes and find some of these new programs may not only be unnecessary, but unaffordable. I have made it my mission to “watch these expenditures and nip them in the bud!”

    I plan to focus on economic development to induce outside companies to consider Wiscasset as their home port. We are fortunate to have a lot of open space in relatively affordable areas, with convenient logistics for shipping and receiving. Let’s take advantage of that, get the word out, and market Wiscasset for what its potential is. The Seafaring Industry saw its value two centuries ago, let’s restore that image.

    The most underutilized asset the Town has is the Waterfront! We need to develop a comprehensive plan of private and public funding to take advantage of what we have. The Waterfront is an untapped revenue source that could alleviate the pressures felt by the loss of Maine Yankee. The potential is there. Let’s take advantage of it!

    Any other thoughts on why you are running or what you can bring to the office? 150 words or less: Not to beat a dead horse, but taxes are an issue with Wiscasset residents. It is time to look at them and remember, there are two sides to your tax bill-Municipal Management and Services, and Schools. School costs continue to accelerate faster than Municipal Services.  If elected, I will work to develop a team of two members of the Selectboard and two from the School Committee to work together throughout the year to foresee upcoming increases in the costs both sides face. With a unified effort, we can address these issues in an effective manner to find alternative sources of funding so the burden does not fall on the taxpayer.