Garden Club of Wiscasset’s plant sale gets some sun

Sun, 05/12/2024 - 8:45am

    The sun was shining, at least for a little while Saturday, on the annual plant sale hosted by Garden Club of Wiscasset. The fundraiser was, as in past years, held at the municipal building on the lawn adjacent to the Veterans Wall. 

    Many of the plants are grown and potted by Garden Club members or gotten from local nurseries. Forsythia, an early blooming bush with a bright yellow blossom, was a popular choice. Other attendees were shopping for perennials like rhubarb that can be used in pies, tarts, cobbler and more. Another favorite were the potted day lilies and peonies that in mid-summer add a touch of pink, yellow and orange to flower gardens. There were tulips to be had, as well.

    Saturday’s sale was the first one for Bill Weiss. He and his wife Christine recently moved to Wiscasset from Brunswick and became Garden Club members last summer. “It’s a wonderful organization to be a part of. Especially good for us because our new home needs a lot of landscaping. Every month we have a guest speaker; sometimes they offer gardening and landscaping tips, or maybe they’ll discuss invasive insects.”

    Jan Whitfield of Wiscasset said this was her ninth or maybe 10th plant sale. “They were holding it long before Steve, my husband and I joined,” she said. Whitfield, Sally Gemmill and several other members were working the sales table. “Most of the money we earn today will go towards our student scholarship fund,” added Whitfield. The scholarships are for graduating high school seniors planning careers in horticulture, environmental studies, forestry and marine biology.

    Member Emily Adler of Westport Island was manning the “Gardening for Kids” table. Even through the air was a little cool, Adler was happy the sun was shining and for a change not raining. “We’d really like to get more young people outdoors and interested in gardening,” she said.  

    The Club of Wiscasset meets throughout the year in the Fellowship Hall at First Congregational Church of Wiscasset, 28 High St., and is always looking for new members. To learn more, email