From the assistant editor

It’s all good

Wed, 02/19/2020 - 8:45am

Enough cheers this week to fill a box of Cheerios, or an editorial on a cold winter’s morning. Here we go!

Thank you, Warren Cossette and Wiscasset Middle High School for honoring Wiscasset Newspaper news contributor Phil Di Vece and Paula Roberts of Lincoln County News for their coverage over the years. School sports coverage is one of the most important parts of local news; it’s a story of families, sometimes generations of them, and of community. The region is fortunate to have two veteran journalists behind the lens.

Kudos to First Congregational and St. Philip’s Episcopal for continuing to work together. Churches these days may find strength, and more filled seats, in a joint approach to their special services and year-round community efforts. 

Cheers to the Democratic and Republican parties for providing the information on where and when area voters can caucus. The more who show for these events, the better the results will reflect what members want.

And sending cheers on down the peninsula to the Boothbay Region Seahawks for giving us a local team to cheer on through basketball tournament time. They are sometimes Wiscasset’s partners in sports now, and they call the same region home; let’s hope they keep coming out on top. Regardless, tight wins like Monday’s show they’ve got game and make us all proud.

Week’s positive parting thought: Thursday, Feb. 20 marks 28 days til spring. Watch the seconds count down online at