Public turns in prescription drugs in Wiscasset

Sat, 04/24/2021 - 8:15pm

    Midway through Prescription Drug Take Back Day at Wiscasset’s public safety building April 24, Lincoln County Sheriff’s Detective Scott Hayden said about 16 people had dropped off theirs. The four-hour session in face masks was part a national take back day. The Drug Enforcement Administration states at, the events are a chance to help prevent addictions and overdoses.

    Hayden noted another reason to get unused or expired drugs out of the home and properly disposed of: Some break-ins are committed to steal prescription drugs. 

    Miss Saturday’s event? Wiscasset Police Department Administrative Assistant Stephany Blodgett said a secure drop box is available 24/7 inside the police department’s doors; and the sheriff’s department has one available inside its doors during office hours, Hayden said.