SVRSU 12, RSU 2 follow 1 and Wiscasset in extending closures

Mon, 03/23/2020 - 4:45am

    Regional School Unit 2 that includes Dresden, and Sheepscot Valley Regional School Unit 12 that includes Alna and Westport Island, have followed Woolwich’s district, Regional School Unit 1, and Wiscasset in extending their school closures about another month.

    Based on announcements on all the districts’ websites in recent days, Wiscasset and RSU 1 schools are closed through April 26; RSU 2 and SVRSU 12, through April 27. 

    In a letter dated Sunday, March 22 on SVRSU 12’s site, Superintendent of Schools Howie Tuttle wrote: “Please plan for the possibility of school closure beyond April 27. ​We understand the gravity of this decision and the impact it will have on our students, families, and community. We will reevaluate this decision regularly as the conditions change. This decision was made after reviewing recommendations from medical providers, area school districts, the Maine Centers for Disease Control, the Maine Department of Education, and from Governor Janet Mills.”