United Way of Mid Coast Maine joins United Week of Action statewide event June 21-25

Wed, 06/16/2021 - 2:15pm

This year, all nine United Ways of Maine are joining for a United Week of Action from June 21 through June 25. This will be a week of volunteer service opportunities where volunteers will participate in rallies, trainings, virtual service opportunities, and a Community Needs Drive benefiting local organizations.

“We serve such a unique role in our communities,” said Maria Hinteregger, Director of Community Impact, “and this United Week of Action is our chance to show how we accomplish our mission to mobilize the caring power of the community to the benefit of so many people in the Mid Coast region."

"One way that United Way is doing this is with their VolunteerME platform. This is an easy-to-use online resource that connects volunteers with opportunities at various organizations, who can advertise volunteer opportunities and events online locally and statewide at no cost. Volunteers can quickly browse or search for opportunities. When volunteers create an account, they can identify favorite causes and interests to get updates when opportunities become available. It makes volunteering easy."

The United Week of Action also includes a statewide Community Needs Drive on June 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. United Way of Mid Coast Maine volunteers will be collecting personal care products, food, and diapers at three locations. You can bring items to the United Way office at 34 Wing Farm Parkway, Flight Deck Brewing in Brunswick Landing, or to the Lincoln County Regional Planning Commission office on Route 1 in Wiscasset, across from Big Al’s. Suggested items to donate include canned food like soups and vegetables, dry goods like rice and beans, non-perishable foods including peanut butter and pasta meals, and diapers. Items collected will be donated to organizations in the Mid Coast region to benefit people in need.

For more details about the Community Needs Drive events visit the Facebook.com/uwmcm/events. For a full listing of events across the state, many virtual, visit unitedwaysofmaine.org/week-of-action. To find a volunteer opportunity get started today at volunteer.uwmcm.org.

United Way of Mid Coast Maine’s mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities. In partnership with thousands of donors, United Way works to improve education, financial stability, and health for people in Brunswick and Harpswell, Sagadahoc and Lincoln counties.