Wiscasset budget committee supports article to cover overdrafts

Thu, 08/15/2019 - 7:45am

    It took Wiscasset’s Budget Committee less than 10 minutes to approve the select board’s request to draw $11,502 from the undesignated fund balance to cover overdrafts from the 2018-2019 budget.

    Selectman Ben Rines Jr. said the board would set a date for a special town meeting when they meet next Tuesday, Aug. 20. The select board could have covered the overdrafts with $19,636 left in its contingency line. “A town meeting gives voters the opportunity to discuss these,” explained Rines. “No department head wants to have to come before the townspeople and explain why they overspent their budget. I think it makes them keep a closer eye on their finances.”

    Before voting, the committee briefly discussed the parks and recreation department’s $9,037 overdraft. “It seems like they go over budget every year,” commented David Flynn.

    “They’re increasing their fees hoping to close the gap and also looking at ways in which they can bring in more revenue,” Town Manager John O’Connell responded. O’Connell said the community center’s swimming pool is the largest expense but also the biggest draw.

    “They want to increase membership but don’t want to increase fees to where people can’t afford them,” he added. One challenge has been adapting to the area’s changing demographics. “There aren’t as many young families with children as there were when the community center first opened,” O’Connell explained.

    Bill Maloney of the budget committee said, percentage wise, the senior center’s $1,752 overdraft was higher than the amount the community center overspent.

    O’Connell said extra monies were needed at the senior center to pay the cook and cover the cost of food.

    The other overdrafts included $378 in the select board’s overlay account, which is used to cover abatements, and $335 for municipal insurance.