Press release

Wiscasset school budget meeting April 30

Tue, 04/23/2024 - 8:45am

The Wiscasset School Department Budget Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 30 at 6 p.m. in the Wiscasset Middle High School Stover Gymnasium at 272 Gardiner Road in Wiscasset. This is step one of Wiscasset’s two-step school budget process and is required by Maine law.

At this budget meeting, registered Wiscasset voters may discuss and vote on each of the 22 warrant articles; there are 11 cost centers, plus 11 other questions that range from electing the moderator to authorizing the school committee to apply reserve funds towards capital improvements and reducing the local additional funds to be raised. The final total proposed budget that comes out of the budget meeting goes to step two, the budget validation vote. This happens together with the Wiscasset Annual Town Meeting on Tuesday, June 11, when voters will be asked if they approve the total proposed budget amount that was passed at the April 30 budget meeting. The budget validation question is a simple yes or no vote.

Wiscasset School Department has proposed a total expense budget increase of 2.44%. That coupled with a reduction in state subsidy of 3.61% makes a 6.12% increase in the amount of total local additional funds needed to balance the 2024-25 Wiscasset School Department budget. System Administration (Central Office), School Administration (Building Administration), Food Services, and Other Instruction (athletics and co-curriculars) are all down between 2 and 16%. Student and Staff Support, Facilities, Transportation, Regular Instruction, and Special Education are all up between 1 and 8%. Please visit to see the entire 2024-25 school budget presentation with detailed numbers and information. 

Maine’s two-step school budget process allows voters to directly impact school budget proposals. The budget meeting is a forum where constituents can ask questions, voice concerns, and express support of a proposed school budget. For further questions about the two-step budget process or the Wiscasset School Department’s 2024-25 budget proposal, please contact Superintendent of Schools Kimberly Andersson at 207-882-4104 or via email at