From the Assistant Editor

Wiscasset’s loss; choices ahead

Wed, 04/11/2018 - 7:00am

I was glad to hear Superintendent of Schools Heather Wilmot’s upcoming departure had nothing to do with politics. Based on her track record here, I didn't think it would.

When talking school needs, she has told town panels she is tenacious, and she was. The school committee kept tacking time onto her stay, into 2022 if her husband’s work hadn't moved.

Good call on putting family first, Dr. Wilmot. And thank you for your accessibility and professionalism in dealing with the public, including the fourth estate.

Now, Wiscasset, fingers crossed and hard work ahead for the school committee in picking the next leader of the department that gets most of the property taxes and continues to move out of its fledgling years.

The future of Wiscasset’s educating its children could look a lot of different ways, or just as it educates them now. As always, choices in leaders are key to all the other choices being the best ones.

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A lot is about to happen in a short time on Wiscasset’s lawsuit against Maine Department of Transportation. The suit has a court date Friday and faces voters next Tuesday, April 17. I saw a homemade-looking political sign on the vote the other day. Those usually mean a question is high-interest. I hope the turnout bears out, with everyone on either side casting their ballot.

Vote so it will go your way. And if it doesn’t, you tried.