Political historian to lead discussion on the parties Aug. 6

Sun, 07/22/2018 - 8:00am

    The Lincoln County Democratic Committee (LCDC) continues its series of “Egghead Evenings” on Monday, Aug. 6, 7-8:30 p.m. at their Campaign Office at 521 Main St. in Damariscotta.

    Heather Cox Richardson, professor of history at Boston College, will lead a discussion about the two major political parties and how they got where they are today. She is the author of “To Make Men Free: The History of the Republican Party” (Basic Books, 2014) which examines the GOP’s 160 years of twists and turns in accessible prose sharing comprehensive research.

    Professor Richardson teaches the history of the American West in addition to courses on U.S. politics and economics, specifically during the Nineteenth century. According to her bio on the BC website, “She is currently working on an intellectual history of American politics and a graphic treatment of the Reconstruction Era.” Richardson grew up in Maine and is a part-time resident of Round Pond.

    Egghead Evenings are open discussion groups focusing on policy-related or historical topics featuring experts who live in or frequent Midcoast Maine. The series continues through August and into September with topics from climate change to the economy. Visit http://lincolncountydemocrats.com/events for a full schedule.

    “I was really delighted to have even a small opportunity to engage our summer community on important issues, and to witness how people here come to politics and policy so well informed and so thoughtful. Really what politics should be all about,” said health care policy expert Professor Mark Peterson of Round Pond and UCLA, regarding the first Egghead Evening discussion, which he led on July 16.

    For more information, contact office@lincolncountydemocrats.com or call (207) 687-7052.