From the assistant editor

The museum that could

Wed, 10/16/2019 - 8:45am

Kudos to the volunteers of Wiscasset, Waterville & Farmington Railway Museum for their work in recent years to rebuild locomotive No. 9, replace the bridge at Trout Brook and build more track. That was pretty impressive over the weekend, when all that work converged. And equally impressive was the good-natured manner the volunteers maintained at every turn. They were serious about it, but they were still enjoying their work.

Maybe that’s why they get so much done.

And kudos to the museum for being accessible as always for us to cover their activities in pictures, stories and video. Not every town of about 700 has a public draw like WW&F, and we have been happy to share its story every step of the way.

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May I call your attention to our print edition’s new, occasional photo feature, Guess where I am? Did you get the first one recently? I’m guessing that one was harder than you will find this week’s to be. 

Write us with your guess at, or just keep it to yourself. Either way, have fun guessing where each photo was taken.

Week’s positive parting thought: 65 more days of fall!