Live, laugh and love!

Egg pie

Sat, 04/04/2020 - 1:45pm

I’m hoping everyone is breathing OK. It’s been hard on many. I’m not going to lie; I’ve had a couple of really lazy weeks and I made up my mind last night I’m done with that. LOL. Back to being a responsible adult and time to get my butt back in line.

I’m calling this egg pie because it was the only way I could get my children and Richard to eat it years ago. Most of us call it quiche! My daughter Evie was like, “Hey, Mom you haven’t written about quiche,” so here we go.

I want everyone to know I didn’t have to go to the grocery store for anything. Last week I said I was going to write about things I have on hand. I always keep a pie crust or two in my freezer or fridge. You never know if you’re going to be asked to make a pie for church. It’s an easy dessert to make if you are asked to make something.

Ingredients: one pie crust, five eggs, 10 cherry tomatoes sliced in half, one diced onion, salt and pepper. I had some fresh basil (that I’ve been able to keep alive this winter) and some leftover bacon from the freezer (10 pieces) and one can of evaporated milk. And here’s what I had in the fridge for cheese – a chunk of brie, a cup of mozzarella and a chunk of cheddar that I grated up (¾ of a cup). Use your leftovers. I could have added sausage , ham, or just a veggie pie. Remember make it your own.

First, to the pie crust I add my sliced tomatoes and chopped up onion, tossed in my crumbled bacon, mixed up my eggs separately (like you are going to scramble them) toss those in and add your salt and pepper and fresh basil. Give it all a toss with your washed hands, then your cheeses. Mix again then top off with your can of evaporated milk. Bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes and check it at 30 minutes. You can tell by a little giggle if your center is moving, cook it more. It should be a nice golden brown and stiff.

Hope everyone is checking on our neighbors and being kind. My number is 207-380-9709 if anyone needs me to do an errand or some shopping. Glad to see toilet paper is back at stores.

Remember we are all in this together. Take care and be safe.