From the editor

What has this taught us?

Wed, 04/01/2020 - 9:00am

The COVID-19 pandemic has virtually shut down the world. Our day-to-day routines of going to work or school, taking a vacation, or attending funerals for our loved ones have been altered to the point where it’s hard not to think … what’s next. Our health care system and economy continue to be stretched to the max – and beyond – and we continue to do what’s best to avoid the coronavirus and/or spreading it to others.

The human contact – a handshake, a hug or a kiss – is perhaps one of the things we miss most. Waving to a grandchild or grandparent through a window just isn’t right.

So, what has this pandemic taught us? For me, it means not taking anything for granted. When I am able to hug my granddaughters (daughter, son, father, brothers, sisters, etc.) again, I am warning them now – be ready to not let go for a while.

It has also taught me that we need to pay more attention to what our government is doing, or in this case, not doing. I truly believe that our political leaders could have prepared this country better for what was to come. I think our president and politicians were too caught up with the trade war with China, along with impeachment proceedings and more, to pay attention to what was transpiring in China and beyond.

My best to all. Keep safe. Let’s work together to get over this tragedy. And pray for better and healthier days.